Sunday Worship Service | 10:30am
180 Academy Drive, Newbury Park CA 91320

Soli Deo Gloria

Where the Gospel rest of our Triune God is the beginning and end of all worship, preaching, discipleship and life together.



Listen to our most recent
Sunday morning message.




At Soli Deo Gloria Church the Gospel rest of our Triune God is the beginning and end of all worship, preaching, discipleship and life together.


Our times are the days of anxiety, restlessness, depression and distraction. Daily life is a performance soul crushing grind that plays the thief of our identity and joy. God-substitutes are available everywhere and yet cannot answer the eternity in our hearts. The Church of Jesus Christ is God’s messy answer to all of this. The body of Christ is where we are re-narrated each week in the Gospel through Word, Water, Bread, Wine and life together.


At Soli Deo Gloria Church we exult in this simple truth: the rest we all crave is found only in the finished work of Christ. Christ alone is the beginning, middle and end of all things. We glory in the fact that Christ has accomplished full and final salvation for his people. It is in Christ alone received by grace-given-faith alone that we find peace for the anxious, hope for the depressed, salvation for the sinner and a still point for the distracted.

To that end Soli Deo Gloria Church shares together in a simple church life:

  • Weekly gospel-centered, scripture saturated, triune God exalting worship.

  • We worship together as families so as to be discipled together across the generations.

  • We celebrate the Lord’s Supper weekly so that our union and communion with Christ and one another is renewed and deepened.

  • We fill our church calendar with Sabbath rhythms rather than endless programs.

  • We desire to create space for rest, family life, hospitality, evangelism and play.

  • We pray earnestly, regularly, individually and corporately as scripture invites.

  • We are financially transparent. The books of the church are open to the members of Soli Deo Gloria Church.

We welcome you to join us at Soli Deo Gloria Church and find rest in the Gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.