Frequently Asked Questions


Is Soli associated with the catholic church? The term “catholic” simply means “universal”. So in this sense Soli is a part of the universal catholic church. In regard to the Roman Catholic Church, Soli has no affiliation and not one of Soli’s pastors or elders have been a part of the Roman Catholic Church.

Why do you raise hands in worship? We sympathize with these two blog articles concerning the raising of hands during worship:

Why Posture Matters in Worship:

Should We Raise Our Hands in Worship:

Why do you have scripture readings and responsive readings? Scripture readings and responsive readings have been part of the people of God for thousands of years. We sympathize with this article from TGC. 

Scripture Reading, Responsive Reading, and the Church Gathered

Why do you value the historic creeds and confessions? At Soli we value many of the historic Christian creeds and confess them together weekly. We recognize that the historic creeds are NOT the inspired Word of God but do proclaim the truths of scripture as long as they are orthodox. We desire to be a part of the universal church both in our current time as well as with the universal church throughout all ages so we confess the creeds. 

What does the term “Gospel Rest” mean? Soli Church is committed to imparting the indicative truth that salvation and sanctification have been accomplished through the finished work of Jesus Christ. Christians are to rest in this truth. This is what trusting and putting faith in Christ means. Through God given faith and repentance, salvation is accomplished for the believer and in this truth we rest and find our assurance, not in our performance, but in the performance of Christ. All good works flow from resting in Christ. Jesus saves and mankind responds with good works of gratitude. 

What are Sabbath Rhythms? Pace yourself. There is a time to work and a time to rest. Soli is committed to releasing our members to live their Christ filled lives out in the world and not overwhelm members with church programs and stuff to do to feel worthy. Rest in Christ our brothers and sisters. Go live life in the world for God’s glory as you were designed. 

What do I do with my kids on Sunday? At Soli we encourage children of all ages to worship with adults. We have a training room available for children not familiar with being in a worship service. The worship service is a prominent part of discipleship at Soli Church. It is evident to the pastors and elders at Soli that children are not leaving the church when they go off to college, they are leaving youth group and have not been a part of the church. 

Let the Children Worship in Church

Does Soli have the new magic formula for church? No. In fact there is literally nothing new to how Soli goes about the Sunday gathering. It’s old school. There are other good ways to go about weekly Christian gatherings. Our motto is K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple Saint. Sunday service is a respite for the weary pilgrim. We stagger into church on Sundays and we are renewed by feeding on Jesus Christ through the means of grace ie. prayer, baptism, word, worship and table. It’s simple. 

Does the liturgical style worship service get old and stale? All churches have a liturgy. A liturgy is simply the order of service. At Soli our liturgy is designed to reflect the gospel and redemption. Soli’s liturgy is also an “active” liturgy in that all people are involved in the service. This is why children do well in our services. Prayer, scripture reading, congregational responses are distinctives of the historic church.

Why does Soli celebrate communion every week? Soli celebrates communion every week because Jesus Christ intended communion to be another way of receiving Himself and His benefits. It is through the ordinary means of grace ie. prayer, baptism, word, worship, and table that we are renewed in Christ every week. According to 1 Cor 10:14-22 communion is what unifies the body of Christ. It is a “we” thing. This is refreshing in our culture of hyper-individualism. 

Why is communion a “celebration” at Soli? Communion is a small taste of the coming wedding feast of the Lamb we read about in Revelation 19. Who doesn’t celebrate at a wedding? Along with this communion is a memorial reminder to God the Father and his people that through the finished work of Jesus Christ, sinners through faith are made righteous and brought into the family of God. How can we not celebrate? The dead have been made alive.

Why don’t we have a time of confession during communion at Soli? Communion for many is a time of penance and confession. In Soli’s liturgy confession is done near the beginning of the service after being called into God’s presence. Because of this time of confession we all approach the communion table absolved of sin and with restored fellowship with God. Therefore there is no need to confess sin during communion and thus we can celebrate the communion table together. 

Why do you encourage giving instead of tithing? Biblical tithing is a term related to the nation of Israel. A tithe in the Old Testament was taken to fund the levitical priests. Israel’s government was led by these priests and therefore the tithe was an income tax to fund the government. As citizens of the United States we already pay income tax so do not pay a tithe. At Soli we emphasize “giving” as a reflection of God who is giving. God is lavishly giving to His people. He is so good to us. We respond in like manner. The church’s funds are used to further the mission of Soli Church and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. Soli Church’s financials are available to all members and our church board is committed to financial prudence and transparency.  

Does Soli have membership? Yes and we are not weird about it. The pastor elders at Soli strongly believe in the covenant community of believers and believe God’s people should be committed to one another. Membership at Soli is a commitment to the local body and it’s health. We will not go to great lengths to proof text local church membership from the scriptures. Apart from the scripture’s picture of the covenant community much of the proof texting is a stretch in regard to the local body. Having said that it is a simple reality that committing to a local body is beneficial to all those involved. You can request membership by clicking HERE.