Great is Thy Faithfulness

Pastor Deutsch recently talked about the cacophony of words that are coming at us during this time of uncertainty. Here are some words that I hope, through the gift of music, will cut through the noise and uplift your soul. Our faithfulness changes with the tide and if we are honest, the tide is out far more than it is in. Yet the faithfulness of our God is unchanging. The author writes, “Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow.” This hope is not merely that the Lord would see us through this dark current season, because we know after this trial has passed there will be many more trials that still await us. Our hope is that Jesus reigns as King and though we live in the “now and not yet” we know that on the cross “destruction was destroyed, torment was tormented, damnation was damned, death dead, mortality made immortal.“ Christ has finished the work, so let us rest in Him. 

Soli Deo Gloria

Soli Deo Gloria Church