Never Waste a Crisis

Soli Church    
Pastor Nate Stead

As a follow up to the Soli Church “Stay Connected” video that was sent out on 4.1.20, I wanted to expound on two ideas concerning Philippians 4:6-7. These are two critical points that I think will be helpful for the members of Soli. First, anxiety will reveal our idols. And second, they will reveal our Savior. 

It has been said that one should never waste a good crisis. In business, a crisis is a good opportunity to “trim the fat”, to get rid of excess personnel or processes. In regards to personal health, a minor heart attack, stroke, or skin cancer diagnosis is an opportunity to assess and make changes. A crisis will reveal our weaknesses which can allow us to change and grow as an organization or as people.

Why does this matter now? Well, we are in a crisis within our country, our state, and even our homes. There’s a lot of unknowns due to Covid-19. Will I lose my job? I’ve lost my job, what do I do now? My friend is sick. My family member just died. Will I be able to provide for my family? The questions and statements concerning this time attest to the crisis we are all in and bearing. It’s a time of crisis and with crisis comes anxiety. 

The Apostle Paul writes in sacred scripture, “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 

In these uplifting verses, there’s a darkness that they are written to overcome. There is great promise, but don’t miss the evil the promise is there to defeat. Paul writes, “will guard your hearts and minds.” Will guard our hearts and minds from what? From yourself, from your idols, from trying to overcome your anxiety by being “in” anything other than Christ. Do not waste this time, my brothers and sisters. It’s right now in this time of crisis where our idols begin to glow. It’s right now in the heat of crisis that our impurities raise to the surface and our idols become obvious. Power, control, food, drink, sex, gossip, money, and on and on, are all exposed in a crisis. And in our anxiety we decide to run to them and cuddle up to them and hope they will save us. But, they never do, they always disappoint. As your pastor, this is my warning to you. Contemplate your heart and mind. Beware of your idols. Kill your idols. Call them what they are, a disappointing substitute for the One that can really save. 

Which leads me to Christ, the second critical point. The answer to our anxiety will not be found in anything that originates from this world. The answer must come from outside. It must come from outside ourselves. Many might read in the previous paragraph that they need to reach deeper into themselves. They read that they need to work harder, that they themselves need to overcome their idols. Well, there is a place for applying one's “will” but where the “will” is applied makes all the difference. Paul doesn’t call us to will ourselves out of anything but tells us to direct our will to the One who is outside of us, namely God. It is God who brings about an internal peace, a peace that comes from the outside. Remember, it’s the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, who came from the outside to the inside to bring about the restoration of shalom. This peace is already yours in Christ Jesus.

Soli people, never waste a good crisis. These times reveal our idols and will reveal our Savior. When we direct our prayers and supplications outside of ourselves to the One who holds all things in His hands, He will crush our idols and we will find a peace that surpasses all understanding. 

Soli Deo Gloria

Soli Deo Gloria Church